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$ 30.00
By purchasing and downloading this license, you are entitled, as buyer, to use the product in ONE SINGLE NON- COMMERCIAL PROJECT - details


Fortbestand is a responsive and attractive portfolio theme. Would be perfectly used for web designers, photographers and videographers alike. Its user interactive interface delightfully enhances your most loved portfolio pieces. Now, you can take your portfolio with you anywhere you want going to do, in your simple pocket.

- Fully Responsive design (mobile and tablet)
- Ajax Powered Homepage
- Clear Guide Description
- 200+ Google Fonts
- WordPress 3.4 Ready
- Custom Portfolio Posts, with Image, Youtube and Vimeo Support.
- Working Contact Form
- Featured Tabs
- Shortcode Buttons – one click and your done.
- And many more!

I hope it will be okay.



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Uploaded: 21 July 2012

Files Included: PHP, CSS, JPEG, PNG, JS,


Valid Html: Yes

Layout: Liquid

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