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$ 4.00
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Backgrounds with white squares. Best for header or banner.

You can only dragged'n'dropped movie clip "main" to scene (x=0, y=0).

You must choose number squares along x - it is variable "Numberx". Size of squares depends from it. Program will calculate number signs along y.

You flash project can be rectangle or square.

If you want that signs do not get all your flash project you can change variables "my_width" or "my_height" in movie clip "main".

You can easy change number of squares or color of background.

Zip includes: 4 files with different colors of background (Flash CS3 and Flash CS4 versions of every file) and help file.

It is vector-animation. Original size - 600*300.

Small size: swf file is only 2 kB.

Please, send me letter if you have any questions.



Posted on 2011 Jun 26

hi! i send you pm, check please!

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Uploaded: 03 June 2011

Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)

Files Included: FLA (flash CS4, flash CS3), SWF

Size: 2kb

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: normal

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