/ flash & video
Uploaded: 07 April 2011
Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)
Files Included: FLA (flash CS4, flash CS3), SWF
Size: 11kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
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Brush is writing text. Best for banner, e-card or header.
You can only dragged'n'dropped movie clip "main_mc" to the scene. You can easy change text or color. You can use the text of any length, but it should be only one line.
Font that you see on the sample is not attached.
Zip includes two folders:
1. One folder have name "usual animation". Here you will find file with brush that writing text. Action Script 2 here is used only to write "stop" in some clips.
2. Second folder have name "Animation with AS2". Here you will find file with brush that writing text too, but it is based on Action Script 2.
Zip includes: Flash CS3 and Flash CS4 versions of all files and the swf. Zip file contains also instruction file.
Zip includes file with color that you can see on sample and two files with onther colors.
Small size: swf file is only 11 kB.
Vector-animation: allow to scale any size. Original size - 600*300.
Please, send me letter if you have any questions.