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Pulse Light version 2.1 using ActionScript 3.0

Brief description:

It is a simple pulsing light animation that was made with actionscript 3 using its addChild method to pull a movie clip
from a library.

How to start/use files:

When you open Pulsing Light.FLA you see only one layer named effect containe in contains blurry movie clip named effect container.
In library there are three move clips:

effect container --> That is your drag&drop move clip for effect.It contains script for effect and inside container clip.
inside container clip --> That one contains animation of nested clip goning up by 150 px and back down.
nested clip --> Base of effect it contains letter l with blurr and glow filters. Here you can change color, blurness, size or glowness of effect.

Container is used for positioning effect on stage. You may drag any number of this move clips from library but check for performance. I only
tested with two.

That is basicly all you have to do. Just drag this effect container or copy and paste it to your own fla file as it contains other two
clips it will copy them to just not delete them from library and that is it.

Script is adding inside container clip on the stage on every frame and makes increments its x property so it looks like it is moving.
Pulsing like motion is made in inside container clip with movie clip effect simply animated to go up and than back down. Throw some blur
and glow in to the mix and voila. Glow and blur are inside nested clip movie clip on letter I.

You can simply change strength,blurriness and color of effect with changing values of those two filters inside nested clip movie clip.
The speed of effect can be effected with higher or slower frame rate of your swf.

For even grater control over file you may mingle with script and that is why it is fully commented.

have fun



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Uploaded: 04 January 2009

Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)

Files Included: fla, swf

Size: 1kb

Action Script: AS3

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: good

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