/ flash & video
Uploaded: 21 September 2010
Opens With: Flash CS4
Files Included: Flash FLA, SWF , PHP , XML ,HTML , DOC Files
Size: 32kb
Action Script: AS3
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
Do you like this file?
* E-mail validation
* Status message for each field and captcha error
* Resizable
* Contact Information – Your Adress, Phone, E-mail
* You can change the email adress where the mails should be send to in XML file
* Very easy to use
* You can easily change the size of the fonts , colors …
* Status message
* 7 second auto-reset after message sent
* No need to open the PHP file
* ActionScript 3.0
* Easy to understand php and xml file
* Very easy to use, just copy/paste movie clip or load it externally
* Change Contact Details from XML
* Nice text effect
* Very Small Size Just 32 kb
Flash FLA, SWF , PHP , XML ,HTML , DOC Files