File Demensions: W 4463 pixels x H 7019 pixels W 14 .877 inches x H 23 .397 inches
Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
File is a layered PSD file. You can change the background to any color or another image and the tape that runs off the side of the paper will be transparent. Meaning, It will look as though it was taped on whatever background you choose.
This file is super high res ideal for high res printing or can be used for the web as well.
Paper was hand folded and ripped and scanned High Res. The tape edges that run off the sides of the paper are transparent. Meaning It will look as though it was taped on whatever background you choose. This is a really High Res image perfect for high res printing or great for web use as well.
No filter effect was used with this image. Everything is by hand.
File Demensions: W 4463 pixels x H 7019 pixels W 14 .877 inches x H 23 .397 inches
Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
File is a layered PSD file. You can change the background to any color or another image and the tape that runs off the side of the paper will be transparent. Meaning, It will look as though it was taped on whatever background you choose.
This file is super high res ideal for high res printing or can be used for the web as well.
Paper was hand folded and ripped and scanned High Res. The tape edges that run off the sides of the paper are transparent. Meaning It will look as though it was taped on whatever background you choose. This is a really High Res image perfect for high res printing or great for web use as well.
No filter effect was used with this image. Everything is by hand.