I did a payment request to Fantero Creative Network on 2013-04-19 21:46:18 and its istill pending. I tried unsuccessfully to contact them by skype (Fantero.Network) at Live Help (1) and email service@fantero.com. Their last blog post was on 2012 Feb 17 (2), their last Twitter post was on 2013 Feb 22 (3) and their last Facebook post was on 2012 April 22 (4).
I was believing they were bankrupt until see your file has been published by them recently. I am so sorry to comment it here but I do not have another option. I dont know how else to try to contact them and who to complain with. If you or anyone else know any information and want to contact me, my email is mariafernanda@stoat.com.br.
1 - https://siteheart.com/webconsultation/287313?s=1 2 - http://www.blog.fantero.com/Fantero-Creative-Network/50-discount-for-all-your-purchases/Blog-6994.html 3 - https://twitter.com/fanteronetwork/status/304928253779525632 4 - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=129787630543698&id=139608722768178