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By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that not generating income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single commercial project or non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in multiple multimedia & website or any other projects. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in multiple commercial projects or non-commercial projects. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
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Uploaded: 10 November 2010
Files Included: JS,PHP,CSS
Valid Html:
JS Library: Other
PHP Framework:
Compatible .NET versions:
Compatible Java versions:
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Easy Installation
Protected from SQL Injection and XSS
Using Ajax
Easy to edit
Version One:
using PEAR modul for connection to database
Version Two:
using ordinary connection to database