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1.The original size of the .fla file is " width=590px , Height=300px ".

2.Default "menu" layer is locked just unlock it and modify what ever you want.

3.You can change the background of all menu's...
Here is the steps to do that ,

a. Select window option
b. Select library under that
c. In library you will see layers named as rectangle1 ,rectangle2 etc...
d. Select "rectangle1" to change the 1st menu background & change the color according to your project.
e. Similarly change for all backgrounds if it is needed.

4.How to change the text color in menus's..?

Same as background you will see text1, text2, text3 & text4 in library.
Select those and go to properties(ctrl+F3) and change the color or text..

5.You can change the links to menu's...
Here is the steps to do that ,

a. click on the invisible layer of 1st button(named as Home).
b. Go to Actions tab(F9) .
c. go to 3rd function (which is also commented) change the link according to your website.
d. you can also give target as _self or _blank.
e. similarly change for all menu's..

7.How to create new menu's?

a. I have already created few menus (named as extra menus) with just a text and background.
b. Now select both text(eg. portfolio) & background of that & press F8 name it as portfolio make a movie clip. And also
go to their properties(ctrl+F3) name instance name as portfolio.
c. then go inside of that movie clip select background press F8 then again name it rectangle5(rename layer1 as rectangle) and create one more layer
above the layer rectangle & name it text. Select the text press F8 and name it text.
d. Now is the time for animation select layer text go to frame 15 press F6 and move text right side by arrow key.
e. Then go back to frame 10 & right click just create motion tween.
f. Similarly do for rest of the menu's if you need more menu's apart from this.


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Uploaded: 29 October 2008

Opens With: MX 2004 (7+)

Files Included: FLA, PSD, SWF, JPG, TXT

Size: 143kb

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: 590x300, Resizable

Documentation: good

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