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/ flash & video
Uploaded: 11 October 2010
Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)
Files Included: FLA, SWF, XML, HTML
Size: 13.5kb
Action Script: AS3
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
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- Full XML driven from where you can customize the following:
* the description text (which is HTML Text)
* the label text (price and offer)
* the pictures (how many you want, and what type you want – supports jpg, gif, png, swf)
* description text size
* description text color
* description text background color
* label color
* label border color
* label texts size and color
* the delay time for each picture
* the banner width and height.
* you can add how many banners you want, and they will always be arranged in the middle of the stage, in a nice background
The main zip file contains the following:
* main.fla
* main.swf
* banner1.fla
* 3 other swfs: banner1.swf, banner2.swf & banner3.swf (as categories)
* categories.xml
* 3 other xml files: banner1.xml, banner2.xml & banner3.xml
* caurina folder that contains the classes we use for tweening
* images folder, where we placed all the images used in the banners
* help file.