This is something that it must be made custom, you will not find a component like that on the web.
If you are interested we can do this custom for you, You can contact me at tibi_diablo@yahoo.com for more info.
Please write to me at bmihaiseb@yahoo.com and I will send you a version without the intro.
This product also includes the source files.
[b]This Flash CoverFlow can present the entire spectrum of supported Flash formats SWF files, images, videos and sound files.
It is a very complex Papervision3D CoverFlow having so many features (see the XML settings in the image presented at the end of description) and a very advanced code.
Everything is dynamic, set in the XML file. AS code is very advanced and optimized for high performance.
This cover flow displays items in real 3D arranging them in cover flow style. Tons of XML settings have been added and a lot of variations have been implemented inside XML so user can directly customize without opening Flash. You can easily adapt over 65 customizable settings in XML. The entire theme color can be changed inside the XML file so there is no need to open Flash Adobe. Each item can have its own link to a target window and you can specify the image that will show first. You can add a flip button to each item for rotating the image or SWL and making visible the item's description.
* XML driven
* supports image files (png, jpg, gif), SWF files or video files (FLV ,MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, MP4V, F4V, H.264)
* the entire theme color can be changed inside the XML file
* set the component width and height
* set the item width and height
* set the item rotation angle
* set the z depth
* set the x spacing between items
* set the center gap
* start the cover flow at center, left or right alignment
* set the item border size and color
* set the item depth
* set the item background color
* change the font
* change the font size
* the buttons and scroll bar can be enabled or disabled (this means that they will not be visible if you don't want)
* set the scroll bar width and height
* the buttons position can be set anywhere
* auto play option
* tool tip for each item(this is optional)
* slide show option
* flip item option
* set the flow time (the delay between transitions in seconds)
* it can open URLs when an item is pressed (this feature can be disabled)
* FlashVar support with dynamic XML path name
* Source code provided and highly commented
* Advanced AS 3.0 coding. The performance of this product is so good that you can have multiple cover flows set to auto-slide in the same page of your project or website.
* OOP code
Many other cool features.