/ flash & video
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By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that not generating income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single commercial project or non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in multiple multimedia & website or any other projects. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in multiple commercial projects or non-commercial projects. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
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Uploaded: 15 April 2009
Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)
Files Included: FLA,XML
Size: 15kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: 655x399
Documentation: normal
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HTML / XML Video List AS 2.0 - v1 ( & FLV Player )
Player YouTube Search
Lite Titanium White Video Player
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XML Video player AS 3.0
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Full screen image gallery
Ultimate banner rotator
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Pixels transition XML full fcreen photo gallery
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1. XML Driven
2. Unlimited amount of videos
3. Controls to play pause and skip videos
4. Full screen support
5. Option to smooth the video in fullscreen mode with the new smoothing property of the video class
6. Other cool features