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/ flash & video
Uploaded: 06 December 2008
Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)
Files Included: navig.xml, rssReader.fla, rssReader.swf, retrieve_pure_XML_viaSocket.php, folder
Size: 12kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: 300x360
Documentation: good
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rssReader is, guess what, a Realy Simple Syndication file format reader. It may read 1.0 as well as 2.0 feed formatted
docs. For a case certain feed source contains images - it will display 110x90px thumbnail along with the header, date of
feed and short description text. Header is a link to the feed source. This rssReader may work in AUTO or MANUAL mode. As
you may guess, it will scroll feed items automatically or display buttons for manual scroll.
Another great feature of this RSS reader is that you may add unlimited number of RSS feed channels! It can be done by
editing one simple XML file (navig.xml). Later in this article you will learn how to do that. It's simple, trust me.
Some RSS feeds providers does not provide standard 1.0 or 2.0 formatted feeds. Sometimes they include their own tags which
are not supported in rssFeeder. Please note that this may lead to certain errors or not properly formatted feed items.
Width as well as Height of rssReader are locked to 300x360px. I will charge $50 for customization but if you can do it on
your own - go ahead. Code is well commented and experienced programmers will certainly know how-to.
Font sizes are locked as well. My opinion is that these proportions/relation between header/date/text/image is perfect.
You can change it if you like (they are all settable through variables) but I didn't want to make it optional.
Everything else except Width and Height can be customized:
rssReader look and feel
if AUTO mode, set number of seconds to wait for the next item feed
background color
hilite and shadow color (background)
separator color
font face
feed items header color
feed items date color
feed items description color
if AUTO mode, set color of the timer bar
Channels Bar
font face
font color
font color rollOver
hilite and shadow color (background)
hilite and shadow color rollOver (background)