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$ 30.00
By purchasing and downloading this license, you are entitled, as buyer, to use the product in ONE SINGLE NON- COMMERCIAL PROJECT - details

This is an ActionScript 3.0 XML driven Flash template.

No Flash knowledge required for setting up this template. Everything can be set from a main .xml file and also each gallery has its own .xml file making it very easy to update and maintain.

This template it's resizable adjusting after the browser size. This means that everything will look the same on each resolution and your photos will appear the same for all your visitors.

Template Features:

* You can set the color theme in the main xml file for the entire template, it can be any color you like, this makes this template really useful.

* You can set the author (photographer) name in the main XML file and the menu will adjust based on that.

* Panning support for the big images, this can be disabled or enabled in the main XML file.

* The template is resizable, so everything will resize based on the screen resolution, adjusting the size of each piece of the template based on the resolution without distortion. Resize the browser after the template is loaded in order to understand better this feature.

* You don't need to know any code, all is configured with external XML files.

* The option to add as many galleries as you need and also to label them as you like, including the Contact&Bio button.

* .mp3 sound playing in the background. (this can be disabled in the main XML file).

* The 'Contact&Bio' window and button can be removed.

* Browsing in the gallery is made really easy.

* The code is written in ActionScript 3.0, this means that the performance is greatly improved in comparison with AS 2.0.

There are full instructions in the help.txt file about how to set this up, it's really easy, plus you already have 4 galleries set up, you don't even need to read the help.txt file to figure it out.

I hope you like this template because is an amazing piece of Flash work, if you have questions don't hesitate to email me.



Posted on 2009 Aug 06

Do you do custom design services? I like this template, but would also want a contact form, thumbnails, change colors and move the navigation to the bottom of the screen.

Posted on 2009 Aug 06

Also, how does it display vertical photos? Crop or size to fit?

Posted on 2009 Aug 06

The images are resized based on the browser size and panning support is available for the images.

Posted on 2009 Aug 06

Great. Do you offer customization?

Posted on 2009 Sep 02

Is this site available in AS2?

Posted on 2009 Sep 02

No just as 3.0. I think is time to take advantage of the performance increase of as 3.0 :)

Posted on 2009 Sep 05

Thank u for this beautifull design!
I've downloaded this template and want to adjust the FLA, but when I export it to an swf, I get all kinds of errors, even when I change nothing

Posted on 2009 Sep 05

You need the TweenMax class, if you don't have it write to me at and I will send it to you.

Posted on 2009 Sep 28

I have problems when Im trying to add specials characters such as ó, á, é, é, ñ, etc, these are latin charactes.
And I have problems visualizing them. What can I do?

Posted on 2009 Oct 06

Great design such a nice site.
I was wondering if there was a way of picking a random picture for the first image from the various image category?
I also want to change a couple of things in the FLA file is it possible to get the TweenMax class.
Many Thanks

Posted on 2009 Oct 11

Just bough the template - absolutely love it, I have 3 things to ask and so other don't bother you you might want to answer it here.

1) - is there a way to duplicate the Contact Bio page so I can populate it with other type of info and if yes How?

2) - can I add a Picture to the Bio Contact page and if yes how?

3) - is is possible to plug in more than one song and to shuffle it?

Thanks so much!

Posted on 2009 Oct 12

Please write to me at

Posted on 2010 Jan 12

Hi Mate,
Prior to downloading the template, I would like to know if the gallery works with video files?


Posted on 2010 Jan 13

I'm sorry but this one do not support video files.

Posted on 2010 Feb 04


I would like to purchase your "Side XML Template Photography with color theme". Before I do, I'd like to know if I was to give you the text and pictures if you'd have time to add content for me in order to customize this template?


Posted on 2010 Feb 04


I gues I can do that but is really a bad idea because is really simple to do it your self. Help file and samples are included in the download .zip file.

Write to me at if you have questions.

Posted on 2011 Mar 16

I want to link to a blog from the submenu - what would be the command?
I dont mind paying for customization can you please help me out here?

Do you have any comment or questions about FWDesign file?

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Uploaded: 09 July 2009

Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)

Files Included: FLA,XML

Size: 48.kb

Action Script: AS3

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: normal

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