I'm having a very odd problem with your file. I'm opening it in CS5.5 and when I go into one of the animation MCs and select a frame, the contents/shapes in the frame are deleted completely! I can't even 'undo' that and get the shapes back. I've never seen anything like this (and I've used Flash since version 1). Are you able to save the animations in a later version of Flash? Maybe it's a bug in CS4/CS5.5?
The glitch itn't happened in my cs4 and cs5.5 on my PC. I checked it now. It's probably some strange memory leak glitch on your PC in your installed flash version.. I hope it helps.
Do you use a cracked or liscensed flash version? (sorry for question but it can be the reason :D lol .. since buying the liscence it never happened again to me :D )
(the rapidshare file is cs5.5 it will not open in cs5)