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$ 12.00
By purchasing and downloading this license, you are entitled, as buyer, to use the product in ONE SINGLE NON- COMMERCIAL PROJECT - details


- Horizontal and Vertical Carousel

- Horizontal and Vertical Flow Effect

- Change Layout on Fly with ActionScript

- Remain same scrolling position when changing to another layout.

- Change carousel blur and scale value.

Carousel Mouse Control

- Easier control when mouse close to image. ( try it in demo)

- Smooth slow down when mouse close to image.

- FollowMouse, autoPlay, autoChange, or none 4 options for mouse scrolling.

- Option to scroll to front when click on an item.

Highlight Mouse Over Item

- Black and White effect

- Blur effect


- Reflection Ratio

- Reflection Distance

- Reflection Alpha

- Enabled or disable reflection

- auto disable reflection when change to vertical layout


- Maximum width option

wrap text automatically when exceed maximum width.

- Embed fonts

- Background color, text color, offset, distance.

- position of tooltips, can be set to top, left, bottom, or right.

Image Movie Clip

- Edit Image Movie Clip to add custom button for each item.

- Add border to images via editing the movie clip.

- Use custom XML attribute directly in image movie clip.


- Events for initialization, xml loaded, mouse over item, mouse out item, mouse click ,scrolling and more.


- Scroll to Item (via Index, XML id)

- Scroll to angle

- Scroll to percent ( can be use for scroll bar)

- Control all properties and , scrolling type, layout type via APIs.

Flow Layout

- Black and white , blur highlight

- Fast Scrolling, Follow Mouse or none 3 options for mouse scrolling type

- Align to Top, center or bottom when horizontal

- Align to Left, center or right when vertical


- Able to set xml source from HTML embed code.

- Able to set default Item from HTML embed code.

It is flexible and well documented:

- Edit Image Movie Clip
Add custom button to image movie clip, you can add button on top of image for example.

- Custom XML attribute to Movie Clip

- Comprehensive APIs and Events documentation.



Posted on 2009 Mar 09

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Uploaded: 07 March 2009

Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)

Files Included: demo source file, documentations, mxp file

Size: 36kb

Action Script: AS3

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: good

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