hi, you can drag this component from component panel to stage, when you edit your fla file.
I tried copying it into another fla file and adjusted all the definitions and I get this error and the preloader flashes black and white. Any ideas?
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at ContentMovieClip_MC/setEvents()
at ContentMovieClip_MC/frame1()
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at ContentMovieClip_MC/setEvents()
at ContentMovieClip_MC/frame1()
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XML: Data XML And Style XML
AS Version: AS3
Key Features:
- Align to Top
- Align to Bottom
- Align to Left
- Align to Right
- Align to Center with Horizontal
- Align to Center with Vertical
Circle Preloader
- Adjust radius of circle
- Adjust color of circle
- Adjust speed of rotation motion
- Adjust stroke of circle
Support image type
JPG, GIF, PNG . Support transparency image type.
Mouse Control
- Adjust Scrolling Speed
- Option to zoom only when mouse over image
- Option to zoom out when click on an image
- Enabled or disable blur effect
- Reflection Ratio
- Reflection Distance
- Reflection Alpha
- Enabled or disable reflection
- Maximum width option
wrap text automatically when exceed maximum width.
- Embed fonts
- Background color, text color, offset, distance.
- position of tooltips, can be set to top, left, bottom, or right.
- auto change position
Image Movie Clip
- Edit Image Movie Clip to add custom button for each item.
- Add border to images via editing the movie clip.
- Use custom XML attribute directly in image movie clip.
Style XML to change properties with external XML file.
Data XML to change tooltips, links, images with external XML file.
forum: Dock Menu forum.
See also:
Advanced 3D Carousel