user 1: http://neebit.com/vidtest/tst.html user 2: http://neebit.com/vidtest/tst2.html
look at the source of the page to understand how to launch it. I hope now my instruction is 200% full :D nothing more I can add. Theres a full documentation and example.

The chat is perfect for using with any page design, it will resize itself automatically to the container size (just remember to change size in 2 places - in and tags. Sample html files added.)
You have a simple and clear server-side "main.asc" file, that you just put into your "applications/textchat/" folder on red5 or FMS. (you have the 'textchat' folder in archive - just copy it to 'applications')
Additional details for changing namespaths:
line 37: the 'rtmp:/' path, it is the path to your server-side script. Now it's like that: 'rtmp:/textchat' , one slash is that the swf file is placed on the same server as the main.asc file. If the swf will be on other server, use full path with 2 slashes (like "rtmp://domain.com/textchat").
line 312: now it's closed by "//" , it is the ban command that send banned IP to your script, you'll see that it's very simple.
Now the flashvars that are used:
username= username :)
room= the room ID (you decide what it is, can be number/text, and anything, you calculate the rooms yourself for your needs)
mod=true (will make the user moderator, being able to ban users, it makes the red "ban" button visible in user-list) if not specified, then it's false by default.
That's pretty much it. If you have any questions - I'll be happy to help :) .