/ flash & video
Uploaded: 06 January 2011
Opens With: Flash CS3 (9+)
Files Included: FLA, SWF. There are Flash CS3 and Flash CS4
Size: 5kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
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Backgrounds with hearts. The best background for Valentine's day card or banner or header of wedding sites and more.
You can only dragged'n'dropped movie clip "heartbg" to the center of scene. You flash project can be rectangle or square. It will automatically resize to your scene.
You can easy change number or size or speed or colors of falling hearts and you can change number or size of hearts on background or background's color.
Zip includes: Flash CS4 and Flash CS3 versions and the swf for both. Zip file contains also instruction file. Action Script 2.
Vector-animation. Original size - 750*600.
Small size: swf file is only 5 kB.