Just wondering, does this player have the abilty to play .swf clips as well ?
If not...do you know of any players that do ?

/ flash & video
Uploaded: 11 January 2010
Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)
Files Included: FLA, HTML, XML, JS
Size: 150Kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
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You can play FLVs and MP4, M4A, MOV, MP4V, 3GP, 3G2 if they contain H.264 video and/or HE-AAC encoded audio (you need to update your Flash Player to version if you're planning using this standard for your video files).
* Multiple video list categories support via XML
* AutoPlay / Previous / Next navigation buttons support for the video list with adjustable focus symbol
* Custom HTML / CSS video list layouts support (list width/height, border color, border size, border transparency, background color, background transparency, cell spacing, cell padding etc)
* Individual custom cell / row width/height, background color, background transparency etc
* External CSS file for for text formatting and links
* Custom library fonts support for individual cell titles and text
* Roll Over list scroll support and three modes Scroll Bar component support (scroll bar, buttons or full)
* Easy to customize each video player and Scroll Bar component assets and other graphic symbols used in Flash
* Full Screen mode and browser window resize support
* SEEKABLE WORDS - you can jump to your favorite video scenes by defining html links on various words / phrases from the video text description.
* Optionally set the main XML configuration file path in HTML with FlashVars