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$ 9.00
By purchasing and downloading this license, you are entitled, as buyer, to use the product in ONE SINGLE NON- COMMERCIAL PROJECT - details

This is a corporate type flash banner rotator. Easily display your Images, banners or other advertisements.

What features you will get with this..

Most important feature.
This banner doesn't start the timer for autoplay till all images are loaded in the banner. So no waiting time for next images.
This banner load first image in the stage and stops. In background the banner loads all images and when its complete, the timer starts the autoplay option.
Check the XML configuration at below image.

Some other features

1. You can add as many of images(Maximum upto width of the banner, Because no body add more than 15-20 images and this banner is best viewable with 15-20 images).

When you add more images it will automatically add required button to stage. You can add images just opening the xml file.

2. Supports jpg,png and swf also.

3. You can add description with all images just editing in XML only.

4. Also have link more button to show an extra features/html page. (If you dont want to show, just left balnk the link field in xml, It will automatically remove the read more button from description panel. And this features associated with each images separately.)

5. Same in the description case, If you dont want to show the description, Left blank the description field in XML, It will automatically remove the read more button from description panel. And this features associated with each images separately.)

6. This banner also have play pause option which means it have autoplay option.

7. You also can edit the timer option (after opening the .fla file)

You have the perfect banner which doesn't have any unnecessary features. Just have maximum sufficient features to use with your website.

---- All images are provided by "" ----- Please take license for commercial use ------

Enjoy with perfect banner.
All the best.


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Uploaded: 07 December 2009

Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)

Files Included: fla, swf, html, help

Size: 52kb

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: 697x350

Documentation: good

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