/ flash & video
Uploaded: 14 October 2011
Opens With: Flash 8, CS3, Dreamweaver, frontpage, photoshop CSx
Files Included: FLA, SWF, AS, CSS, XML, HTML, FLV, PNG. JPG
Size: 982kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: N/A
Documentation: good
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A FLV player that can play YouTube videos from videos link page as normal FLV links.
Full Screen is Allow
Zip contains:
-"Fla" folder (contains all the source code)
-"ButtonsActions.as" (script for the player's controls)
-"functions.as" (all the functions; view functions.as for details on each function)
-"index.as (contains the declarations of variables and functions call)
-"index_Flash_8.fla" (Flash 8 version)
-"index_Flash_CS3 (Flash CS3 version)
-"View" folder
-"index.html" (an example of the embend player)
-"scripts" folder (contains some css and java for "index.html")
-"css" folder (contains the css)
-"Style.css" (the css for "index.html")
- You can change the size easily.
- The controls can be change by accesing the .fla library Movie Clips/ Controls ...
Editing XML:
video link add the link
set autoplay true or false (no value means false).......
Full Instructions is a word file including with the zip file