/ flash & video
Uploaded: 12 April 2010
Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)
Size: 5kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: Resizable
Documentation: good
Do you like this file?
- Customizable sizes/padding/colors/opacity/fonts by XML edit
- Any number of main menu items
- Any number of sub menu items
- Small size ONLY 5 kb swf
- HTML tags in menu items and title (i,b,strong,font face color size etc.)
- Can open URLs or call any internal functions (with any arguments) in your Flash project
- URLs target support
- Easy copy to your AS2 flash project (video tutorial included)
- Few menus can be pasted in one flash project (each menu have own xml file)
- Can be used as part of website or AS2 flash project
All you need to do it's add menu to your project and set xml file
Main XML setting:
- Title
- Main background menu color in RRGGBB format
- Main background menu alpha
- Sub background menu color in RRGGBB format
- Sub background menu alpha
- Menu width
- Menu items vertical padding
- Bottom height