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$ 99.00
By purchasing and downloading this license, you are entitled, as buyer, to use the product in ONE SINGLE NON- COMMERCIAL PROJECT - details

Flash Ajax Cart is the most advanced Flash/Ajax Ecommerce solution in the world !

* Fully-featured online control panel for simple administrative store management.
* All changes are applied in real-time. You can experiment on and test different combinations until you find the best solution that suits your today's and tomorrow's needs
* Password-protected administration access.
* Role/permission model making it possible to grant only
necessary privileges to other administrative users.
* Simple processes to add, modify and/or delete products
and/or product categories and subcategories.
* Professional Interface
* No External Code required
* Easy and intuitive to personalize
* Accept All credit cards using Paypal IPN payment
* Our CMS (control manager system) is 100% AJAX (web 2.0)
* Flash Ajax Cart uses Deep Linking

- (CMS) Content Manager System, including all PHP source code.
- All Flash ActionScript 2.0 source code files.
- 3 Skins.
- Fully documented files.
- Free 6 months instalation support.

Free Flash Components ! Text, Combo & Radio Buttons....



Posted on 2009 Jun 14

Doesn't work. Support is horrible(takes weeks with no fixes). As you will see above the author doesn't even know what CMS( it really is supposed to stand for content management system, but doesn't work like a real CMS) stands for. Also never saw documentation in files. If you buy this expect to do about 30 hours worth of work before the system is working. Free flash components? these components come with flash. Once you get it working you will see that the management system is poorly made and you will need to change it to work as needed. All graphics are images rather than vectors in Flash so plan on spending a lot of time in Photo shop redoing the templates.

Posted on 2010 Apr 21

99$ lol jokes

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Uploaded: 03 April 2009

Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)

Files Included: FLA, AS2, PHP

Size: 4,5MB

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: good

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