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$ 25.00
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Hello all and welcome to our first complete flash website template.

This is a highly customizable resizable template that is a great fit for photographer, artist, freelancer or designer portfolio websites.

You can change a ton of settings in the xml files and changing any elements from the fla is done easy, everything is properly named and organized. This template supports an unlimited number of images for the homepage banner rotator and for the gallery second panel. You have absulutely no limitation regarding the number of pictures. For the albums number you are only limited by the total width of your application.

As a bonus, you can use the "About us" and "Contact us" modules independently from the template, separate folders for these have been made and of course separate help files. You can use these in any other project you choose to.

For the footer you can have any number of buttons which either load a swf file or target an external link. If you want to load your swf file in the template, you need to have a close button on it which will execute the code provided in the help files.

Everything was created and thought out to be as easy to customize as possible.

Here's some of the settings you can change from the xml file.

For the homepage, banner rotator:
- totalWidth, totalHeight of the banner rotator
- strokeSize - the stroke size
- autoplay - the autoplay timer in seconds
- startWithAutoplay - you can make the banner paused when the website first loads
- animationBlurAmount - the blur applied when changing the pictures
- animationTime, animationType - the animation type and time

For the gallery, the second panel:
- firstPanelDistanceBetweenButtons and secondPanelTopMenuDistanceBetweenButtons
- totalWidth, totalHeight of the gallery
- thumbWidth, thumbHeight for the thumbs on the scroller
- numberOfThumbsOnTheScroller - here you can define the number of thumbs on the scroller, if more thumbs are present, you will have arrows to scroll
- horizontalSpaceBetweenThumbs
- thumbStrokeSize
- viewingAreaStroke
- animationTime, animationType for the big image animation
- toggleViewingAreaDescription - you can enable or disable the description on top of the big image
- toggleDescriptionAlwaysStay - you can choose to have the description available at all times, not only when you mouse over the image
- templateTransitionTime, templateTransitionType - animation settings for going from homepage to the gallery

For the footer:
- swf file to be loaded
- toggle external url launch
- custom position the swf on the stage
- title

For the contact us module:
- totalWidth, totalHeight of the contact use popup
- cssFile - the css file applied on the text
- descriptionXPos - here you can place the description at an x position, the description will resize to the rest of the module and if needed a scroller will appear to scroll the text
- infoTitle - the "Contact info" string

- sendScript - here you can specify which scrpt you want loaded. With this package we provided a php script but this can work perfect with any other server-side script type (asp, pl, jsp etc.) as long as it returns the required data
- formTitle - this is the form title, the "Contact form" string
- nameTitle - this is the string that goes on top of the name input field
- emailTitle - this is the string that goes on top of the email input field
- messageTitle - this is the string that goes on top of the message input field
- sendTitle - this is the string displayed at the bottom, the "Send Message" string
- progressTitle - this is the string displayed at the bottom when the message is being sent, the "Sending Message" string
- completeTitle - this is the string displayed after the message has been sent with success

For the about us module:
- totalWidth, totalHeight of the contact use popup
- cssFile - the css file applied on the text
- title - the "About us" string

Enjoy this new release from Flashtory !



Posted on 2010 Feb 06

Hi, this is great but there is something I want to ask you.

1. When I select one of the moves away and appears new page, okay but the template becomes too big for my browser and I can't see the menu. Is this fixable?
When I am full screen browser there is no problem but in normal.

Do you have any comment or questions about FLASHTORY file?

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Uploaded: 21 December 2009

Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)

Files Included: FLA, AS, PSD, PHP

Size: 124kb

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: good

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