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By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that not generating income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in one multimedia & website or any other project. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in one single commercial project or non-commercial project. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
By purchasing a file(s) with this license, you are permitted to use it multiple times in multiple multimedia & website or any other projects. You can use it for personal work or work for a client project that can generate income. You are permitted to multiple use of purchased file(s) in multiple commercial projects or non-commercial projects. You are not permitted to redistribute this file(s) or functionality provided with the purchased product without the author written permission, but you may modify its content.
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Uploaded: 31 January 2010
Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)
Files Included: FLA
Size: 59kb
Action Script: AS2
Resolution: 640X360
Documentation: bad
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Hut strategic game
Kids Can Subtract
Space Drifter
Craps - Lucky Seven
Doodle Jump Soccer
Sliding Puzzle
Matching Card Game
Product Zoom, Magnifying Glass Toggle
ID and Password Form no PHP or MYSQL Necessary Easy to Use
Toaster Preloader
Preloader Glow Pack 7 Types Many Colors Drag and Drop
Typing Speed Cacluator Utility V1
GX3 Version 4.2 Galaga Inspired Space Shooter
Super Simple Video Player, No XML and No Flash Required, Text File controlled
Easy Password Login System
This file is not easy to modify code wise.
It's easy to add a logo, but besides that, it would be a hassle to change.
The stages are in different scenes.