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Dynamite Banner V2

This is nice and beautiful banner with effects.
It is easy to use and customize.


1.Self Resizable according to the images.
Just fix the size of the 'swf' file in the 'html' code.
2.Unlimited images.
3.Thumbnail gallery with scrolloing enabled.

How to Change the Images?
There is a folder 'images'just paste your images there and
give there url in the 'imglist.xml'.

How to Change the Thumbnails?
There is a folder 'thumb'just paste your thumbnail images of 45x35 size
there and give there url in the 'imglist.xml'.

How to Change the other Properties ?
In the 'imglist.xml'just customize the value in the xml file.

file="images/1.jpg" // give the url of your image.

thumb="thumb/1.jpg" // give the url of the thumbnail image.

text="Text text text" // give the text to the image or just write a " "(space) if you want to disable the text.
Note: for disableling the text just leave a space(" ") in text tag.
eg of text disablement - text=" "

url="" // give the url which will open on click on the image.
Note: for disableling the url opening just leave a space(" ") in url tag.
eg of url disablement - url=" "

window="_blank" // method of opening a url on image click.
window="_blank" - for opening a page in another blank window.
window="_self" - for opening a page in same window.

image_duration="8" // gap time between two images.Increasing value increases time gap.
text_color="0xffffff" // hexadecimal color code to give any text color.
text_size="9"` // accepts integer value to adjust the text size.




Posted on 2009 Jun 19

Dynamite Banner V.2
Can you give me a quote to customize this? top navigation and company name? thanks, mike

Posted on 2009 Aug 19

I'm trying to incorporate your gallery into a flash website, however, the image thumbnail bar disappears if there's content outside the image viewer's main window size (ie, the rest of the content on the site). Preferably, I'd like to be able to export the gallery as a single .SWF which is then loaded externally into the main site. Essentially, if the image viewer could be constrained to a fixed height/width...that would most likely solve the problem. I appreciate the help.

Posted on 2009 Aug 20

To digitalflare: Open the .fla file , just right click on the page , go to the document properties there set the custom width and height then publish .swf file.

Posted on 2009 Oct 27

This is a great gallery but the effects are a bit much for my use. Is it customizable to stop the bounce of the title bar and remove the white flare?

Posted on 2009 Oct 28

To GraphicLLD:
Yes it is possible to remove the extra effects from the gallery.
I have sent the solution at your email.

Posted on 2010 May 12

i cannot figure out how to upload to my site. please help

Posted on 2010 May 12

do i upload the .swf file or do i have to upload the .xml
rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 13

To phackford
You have to upload both xml file and swf file.

Posted on 2010 May 14

I'm sorry that was a dumb question. I have uploaded both files and everything works fine on my computer and in my website tonight preview mode, but once i publish the site, the flash no longer works. 

Posted on 2010 May 14

here is my unplublished link
here is the pulished wesite

rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 14

Hi phackford

Checked your both links.

Please check the following things-:
1. The images url in the xml file should be exact.
    If images are at some different location use full http url
    in the xml file.
2.If an image do not load then change its extension from lowercase
   to uppercase eg - jpeg to JPEG because flash needs exact
   extension while loading an image.

Feel free for any queries.
rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 14

To phackford:

Would like to suggest you

Professional Blur Banner
link :

for your template theme.

Posted on 2010 May 17

Do i just upload the .xml onto my server, get the url for .xml put it in load(url) in the .swf file. and change all of my images to the url of the images in .xml 
rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 19

To phackford: Hi
That will work , just change the url of the images in the xml file to the full http: url in the xml file.


Posted on 2010 May 17

website tonight support team is telling me my file size needs to be change could that effect it in any way?


rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 19

No, there is no problem due to the file size.

Posted on 2010 May 23

how do i upload the .xml? 

Posted on 2010 May 28

do I have to embed .xml into html using a data island? 
rihtam author Replay to phackford

Posted on 2010 May 29

Send me your files I will set them.


Posted on 2010 Jun 01

To rihtam:
Full size pics
Thumbnail pics
This is the location of my .xml file

Do you have any comment or questions about rihtam file?

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Uploaded: 20 May 2009

Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)

Files Included: FLA,SWF,XML,HELP.TXT

Size: 22kb

Action Script: AS2

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: good

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